Sunday, 5 April 2015

Wild Riders and Spellweaver

The final reinforcements for my Wood Elves arrived yesterday and I managed to get some time on this lovely Chocolate Sunday. The Wild riders are lovely models but they're in so many pieces that after the first one I was really eager to see them finished.

I ummed and erred over whether or not to make these Sisters of the Thorn instead but I figured that with all of my archers I really had the support aspect covered so went with some hard hitting cavalry. I'm glad I made that decision as that left enough pieces to convert up a Spellweaver for my force!

I had some spare Glade Guard legs and added the Sisters of the Thorn champion body. I think it's come out nicely but only a decent paint job will show up what it really looks like. Right that's all the figures I needed for my force so now on to painting! 

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