Sunday, 15 March 2015

In the grim darkness of my mother's loft

While visiting my mum this weekend to take her cards, presents and affection I discovered my old Eldar army in the loft. What surprised me is that not only is it at least 1500 pts but that all the bits are there! Heads, arms, weapons everything! Well done past Chris! I used to love Eldar when I was collecting 40k and no matter what other armies I'd try out I'd then go back to my beloved Eldar. If I remember rightly this was the 3rd Eldar army I did with the newer models. I imagine if I dig around in my mum's loft a bit more I'd find fire dragons and swooping hawks. If you look very carefully you'll see the original Avatar model with the slave girls from the old dark elf set. So now I'm thinking that maybe I'll start playing 40k again. What do you guys think?

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