Thursday, 5 February 2015

Troop transports

I've not had great experiences with plastic cases and foam inserts when transporting armies. There's always a spear snapped off or a large model where the paint has rubbed off a spiky bit. I've found that the best way to transport figures is in their units stood upright. I've been looking for cases that I could do this in and as you saw in earlier posts my current way of moving armies around is fraught with danger and public scrutiny

(Like a tray of well painted misunderstandings)

Today I found two of these for £3 each, great price for them. I'm going to put rubberised steel sheets on the bottom of them. I magnetise each of my models' bases in order to make them easy to move around so fitting metal sheets to the bottom of these boxes will turn them into the perfect way to safely get these guys to battle.

The only issue is that Mr T (my terrorgheist) is slightly too tall for them. This will be fine though as I can just leave the top off. What it does do is provide an area filled with tiny toys for a cat to jump in.

(Pictured - Mr T pre cat fear based destruction)

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