Tuesday, 27 January 2015


After 40 minutes work this is where I'm up to with 40 zombies. They need some blood and some basing but after that really that's all I'm going to do to them in the hope that I can get all 80 done for Saturday's tournament. It'll mean that instead of fielding an army with 100+ models unpainted I'll be fielding one with a 30 (won't finish the Grave Guard, Characters or Terrorgheist by then).
This does also mean that next time I face Stephen mine might be close to being completely painted (gasp!)


Anonymous said...

These are coming on nicely, good stuff!

Chris Purchase said...

They only need basing now so tomorrow I'm going to try and get the other 40 done and all of them based

Chris Purchase said...

And thank you!

Anonymous said...

40 in a week, great work, and you are welcome

Chris Purchase said...

80! I'm going to get to 80!

Anonymous said...

80 is amazing, shame they are mantic ones!

Chris Purchase said...

they're the same scale as the corpse cart ones though so they don't look odd next to it. I know they're mantic but they are nice