Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Finished Skellies and the start of my ghostly Hexwraiths

With the debut battle for my Vampire Counts army happening tomorrow night with Stephen I stepped up my painting speed to get at least a couple of units painted before the great unveiling. This first unit of Skellies actually didn't take that long but finding time to get them done was tough. I tried a whole load of new techniques but mostly I've been experimenting with inks over a white undercoat and almost all of the GW technical paints (all of which are a godsend for someone trying to make a unit look good quickly) 

I've also managed to get these Hexwraiths nearly done. All the need now is some drybrushing on their bases and some flock and they're good to go.

You'll notice the lighting is a lot better in these photos and that's because I managed to get one of these in a sale - Daylight lamp I really really recommend them as the light is perfect for painting and photos.


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