Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Getting down with the brown

Let's start with an apology. Through a huge influx of work and the addition of a new kitten I've neglected my wonderful hobby and you, the literally tens of readers, I'm sorry about that.

We're all good yeah? Great?

OK so I've gone full steam ahead with the Skaven. I want the army fully painted quickly and so am trying something I've never done before. Colour undercoat. Through my while hobbying existence I've always painted using a black undercoat, of course I've dabbled with white during my more daring moments but black is far more forgiving and for me easier to get the shades I want.

With these Skaven their primary colour is brown fur and I'm painting their clothing red which comes up from brown anyway so throwing caution to the wind I've sprayed the next batch to paint Mournfang brown. I'm nothing if not a maverick.