Monday, 30 June 2014

The list

For anyone that's interested here's the list for the army I'm currently painting, it's based entirely on which models I bought as part of deals or were given as birthday/Christmas presents:

I use an app called Battlescribe to create army lists, it's incredibly efficient and easy to use so go check it out (it's free but I paid a little extra to support the developer).

Hot Skaveny goodness!

I blame Stephen. I was trundling through life on the verge of a nervous breakdown as I built my career and refused to take time off for hobbies or relaxation time then suddenly BAM! Stephen buys me a hobby starter kit for Christmas and I fall right off the wargaming wagon. Suddenly I have not one but two Warhammer armies on the go and my hands are covered in spray paint, my blood pressure is down, my left eye doesn't twitch anymore and damn it I've started to feel feelings again! You can read Stephen's blog here which is 50% inspirational and 50% disheartening as he paints at the speed of thought, the models even look great. I could deal with the rapidity of it if his stuff looked like an angry child had attacked the cast of The Two Towers with a paintball gun and some tins of industrial emulsion but it's all pretty great. Check it out. 

Anyway right now this second I'm working on a Skaven force. Currently that force looks like this:

As you can see there's a grey plastic/black spray paint theme tying the whole army together nicely. Prior to my hobby hiatus I was a speed painter, able to crank out 10 tournament level models in a couple of hours, but after a six year break I just don't have the same eyesight, hand stability or painting ability that I used to. This has meant that I can't paint at the same speed but have a greater sense of achievement when I get a unit done. I was so pleased when I finished the Doomwheel because it was a lot of effort and looked great (I think):

I also managed to complete an entire unit of clanrats over the course of a single week (except for basing as that required nearly an entire week in itself!):

"Enough with the past Chris!" I hear you cry "what did you paint today?" I hear you ask "Have you lost weight? You look fantastic" I hear you compliment, oh stop it you. Well I'm currently working on a five man globadier unit. Here's the first of the quintet:

I love painting lenses as they're really simple and when done right take a mediocre paint job up to the next level. I'm hoping to get all these bad boys finished this week so I can focus on getting a big block unit and character done (it's just not fair to play people with beautifully painted armies and I show up with the shadow army from Spraytoria).